Daily Forecast Pisces 07-17


Pisces Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Your first response to an opinion or a piece of news from someone close to you might be a strong one, but you’ll want to avoid a knee-jerk reaction if at all possible. Give it a chance to settle in, and you might be able to regard it in a more philosophical light. Whether you asked for this information or not, a better opportunity to express your feelings about it will present itself, and you’ll be more thoughtful and coherent.

Singles Lovescope

If you’re feeling a little envious of your best friend’s great relationship or not quite ready to hear about a coworker’s perfect date, then give them a wide berth for now. It’s okay to take care of yourself.

Couple Lovescope

You can’t wait to get your hands on some tools and start that fantastic new home improvement or whatever project. First, though, you need to draw up a plan. Run it by your partner while you’re at it.


It might not be a good day, but it will definitely be a unique one. Your intellect is firing on all cylinders and you’re finally putting two and two — and two — together. The bottom line is a shocker.



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