Capricorn Daily Forecast

If you’re starting a new job, don’t put pressure on yourself to be a superstar right off the bat. Give yourself all the time you need to get a handle on your new routine, new environment, or the new group of folks around you. The empathy shown to you now will encourage you to relax and just be yourself. There is freedom in letting go of the expectations you put on yourself. Your job now is to learn, not to impress.
If you’re feeling a little tense today, make sure you get outside and get some exercise. You’ll feel better. Besides, you’re much more likely to be approached by someone interesting when you’re relaxed.
Most of your energy could be focused on a friend or another important person in your life. You’re not being obsessive; you’re just concerned about them. Let them know you’re thinking of them.
You’ve been so focused on money that you’ve forgotten the important things in life. Music or art brings it all back into perspective today. You’ll end your day realigned with what really matters.