Daily Forecast Virgo 07-23


Virgo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Someone is trying to make you feel guilty, and believe it or not, that’s pretty easy to do right now. Rather than giving in and letting it happen, do what you did yesterday and make sure all your bases are covered before doing much of anything for yourself. That way, you can ensure that if anyone tries to bust you, it’s okay for you to bust them right back and soak up the sympathy from the home crowd.

Singles Lovescope

Your attention span is challenged today, which sidetracks your schedule. Rather than spend every minute wondering what your crush is up to, concentrate on tasks that need to be finished quickly.

Couple Lovescope

You’re generally inclined to take things at face value in your relationship, but at the moment there may be something beneath the surface — perhaps in your own subconscious. Tap into a deeper level.


It will be quite a while before you move on from the upheaval you’ve been going through. In the mean time, try to make sense of more than just the numbers. Your feelings are in disarray and could stand to be organized.



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