Aries Daily Forecast

The similarities you share with your closest friends are getting so intense that you’re starting to feel like you’re siblings! Before you lose all sense of your own identity (or worse – that new cutie doesn’t know who you really are), disengage a bit from the group and make your own mark on the world today. Wearing matching outfits, constant messaging, and being attached at the hip are fine every now and then, but you need to be your own person, too!
You’re less likely to take charge of conversations or toot your own horn. You’d rather just observe and let your intuition make the calls. And when it comes to your love life, it’s right on now.
You likely have a bit of an edge now. Rather than finessing a situation with your partner, you might be inclined to take the hard line. Follow your instincts, but keep your empathy engaged as well.
You have enough energy to make a big difference in your life today. Don’t squander it just to be impressive. Transform your financial situation or leap tall buildings with a single bound, the choice is yours.