Libra Daily Forecast
Try not to postpone your big plans any longer. You could be starting a bad habit that will be very hard to break later on. If you don’t move forward with things now, some important people might get the idea that you aren’t totally sure about what you’re doing. And even if you aren’t sure, they certainly don’t need to know about it! It’s time to turn on your bravado and pretend that you have total conviction. If you have to fake your enthusiasm, then fake it.
Learning a new skill opens up your social horizons in a new, unexpected, but most pleasing fashion. Interesting characters pop up just when you thought you were going to have to deal with the same old faces.
You’ll have so much good energy today that you’ll feel as if you have a wonder twin. Your partner might comment on your prodigious talents, but don’t let the praise go to your head!
You are over the top about a certain purchase. Others are looking at it more reasonably than you are. Your emotions are driving you toward a decision that could make or break your bank. Use your head a bit, for good measure.