Aquarius Daily Forecast
The intensity in your eyes will do more to intimidate any opponents than your tactics ever could right now, so if you’re engaged in any kind of competition, make sure you lock gazes! Send them some telepathic intimidation! Then, make sure that all of your arguments are logical and based in fact. If you just try to bully someone, you aren’t going to prevail for very long. Besides, you wouldn’t want to win an argument by resorting to such low blows anyway.
A friend may be telling you to go for it, but going outside your comfort zone with someone you don’t know well probably isn’t your thing at the moment. Respect yourself and tell them to do the same.
Let your creative side out tonight. Treat your partner to something a little out of the ordinary, perhaps even a little wild, and show them a side of you they’ve never seen before.
High energy doesn’t guarantee a great day. You can harness it to make some serious changes in your life if you apply yourself, though. Make sure that by evening you can look back and feel good about what you’ve done and where you are going.