Daily Forecast Aquarius 03-01


Aquarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Keep your agenda hidden today, because there are a couple of people around you who would try to change your mind if they knew what you were really up to! Sure, they’re just trying to help you out and steer you straight, but they aren’t the boss of you. If you’re going to make a mistake (and the stars don’t think that you are), at least it’s your mistake to make. So stay mum about your true motivations for a little bit longer at least.

Singles Lovescope

Sometimes being eccentric can help you get the attention of a new admirer. Don’t try to fake quirky traits to grab the spotlight. Just be your own wacky self and let your personality do all the advertising.

Couple Lovescope

The two of you are in conflict over something, and that’s just fine. Your job is simply to make sure that things don’t spin out of control. Keep the tone loving and grown-up. All will end well.


You’re not the only one in the midst of a career crisis. But being in good company isn’t any consolation to you or the bank. Come up with a more effective mantra to keep yourself from feeling too stressed.


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