Aquarius Daily Forecast

Today, any secrets you learn are to be kept, not shared! You could be the recipient of a lot of privileged information from a few very influential people. This sudden trust people are putting in you could be a sort of test, and the stakes are high. Don’t betray them or disappoint their high expectations by letting some confidential stuff leak out. You have to be vigilant about it because it could be very easy to slip up!
A group outing might hold a sweet surprise, but it isn’t going to be handed to you on a silver platter. Take the initiative and organize something fun with some fun people and their friends you’ve never met.
Sometimes your sweetheart suspects that you’re a superhero, what with the leaping of tall buildings and saving people from impossible situations. Other times, they know you are. Heck, you’re impressed with yourself, too.
You’re used to being careful in business matters, but not in personal ones. You should keep your guard up, sadly, especially where other people’s money is concerned.