Daily Forecast Aquarius 06-11


Aquarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Are you losing your patience with someone? If it seems like they can’t listen to reason, they may have made up their mind already. Maybe they refuse to see any alternatives. If you feel like you’ve hit a brick wall, then step back and stop hitting your head against it! Learn when enough is enough. If you can’t deal with someone, you need to work around them (or avoid them altogether). Some people just don’t know how to work well with others, and that isn’t your problem.

Singles Lovescope

Lots of people are busy talking about your love life, but don’t give them fuel for the fire. Frustrate their empty little lives by keeping quiet and wearing a big smile on your face.

Couple Lovescope

Be careful to not commit yourself to so many things you have trouble following through. It’s better to pick a few events to go to with your partner, then add more later if you have time.


It’s all about numbers, and about people, of course. The more people you connect with, the more likely you are to make a deal. Don’t lose sight of the importance of the basic humanity of the whole equation.



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