Pisces Daily Forecast

An impulsive remark might put you on the blacklist today. Don’t let it come to that point. Try to stay out of the spotlight, mind your own business, and keep your opinions to yourself. It isn’t the most exciting way to play, true, but it might save you a lot of hassle right now. Sooner or later you’ll get the chance to speak your mind. For now just smile and let the higher-ups bungle around without interference.
Listen closely to someone else’s story today. Don’t just sit there formulating your next comment. Clear your mind. You could take in an important message or even a lesson that applies to you.
Not everyone needs to think like you, especially your partner. Imagine how boring this relationship would be if you two were exactly alike! Learn to acknowledge your differences and be grateful for them.
What you are staring down is not just difficult. The principles behind it rub you the wrong way on a fundamental level. That’s not to say you won’t acquiesce; to resist further would put you squarely in the camp of the outrageous. But dragging your feet for one more day is your idea of a tea party.