Aquarius Daily Forecast

Be careful not to run yourself too ragged right now. You have been working at an exceptionally fast pace lately, and there is no real reason for you to continue running around like this. You can still get things done by whatever deadlines have been imposed. It’s time to slow down. Take off your running shoes and put on some slippers. You deserve some mellow relaxation. It’s not only good for your mental state, it’s going to be good for your wallet too.
One of your friends wants to set you up with someone. Take them up on it! Even if it isn’t a love match, you can still have a good time going out and meeting someone new.
Even in a relationship there are moments when you need a poker face, especially if your partner says something totally absurd that they clearly believe wholeheartedly. Don’t lie, but don’t respond immediately.
Society’s emotions and desires have suddenly and rudely been exposed. Which side of the cultural divide do you find yourself on? If you’re not happy with it, there’s still time to make amends. Begin today.