Aquarius Daily Forecast

You can always try to plan ahead in life, but you can’t always succeed at mapping out your future down to the last minute. So don’t feel hopeless if something you really thought was going to happen looks like it isn’t going to pan out after all. You had things all lined up, and now you’re just going to have to line them up in a new configuration. This is actually a very good day for you. You’re learning a valuable lesson at a very affordable price.
Drop a message to a romantic prospect. Keep the communication short but profound. Let this person know you’re thinking of them. This one’s been on the back burner, but it’s time to turn up the heat.
Thanks to your own recent efforts, you’re communicating clearly and good energy is circling around your relationship. Now look to the future and dream up what happens next in your life.
At least you’re not the only one feeling moody. But while misery loves company, so does inspiration. Find people who want money to come a little less slowly than it seems to be trickling in.