Aquarius Daily Forecast

Turn down your analytical brain and stop thinking so hard about things! There are a lot of details around you, and if you take each and every one into account you’ll never have enough time or energy to draw conclusions. Timing is everything, so keep one eye on the clock while you go through the day. Be mindful of deadlines, but don’t panic. Gathering information is always a solid strategy, but it can also bring in a paralyzing amount of irrelevant information.
You’ve got plenty of moxie during daylight hours. You might even try something spontaneous and silly. Why not? Things will be calmer later tonight.
Communication comes easily to you today. You can find just the right words to use with your partner, and you can be sure they will respond well to anything you suggest.
You’re getting tired of feeling overwhelmed. But just when you decide to get back on the horse, clarity dissolves. That’s okay for now, because you’d just be riding in circles anyway.