Daily Forecast Aquarius 07-19


Aquarius Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Why are you doubting other people’s truthfulness right now? When they say they will be there to help you, they will be! You cannot doubt that you will get all of the support and assistance you need, because if you do, then you might create a self-fulfilling prophecy. A new person on the scene might want to share the spotlight with you, but they have no intention of stealing it all from you, so just relax and welcome this person on the scene.

Singles Lovescope

You’re a survivor, especially when romance is involved. Though you’ve dumped (and been dumped by) the best of them, you’ve also walked away wiser. Remember this today when an interesting new person walks by.

Couple Lovescope

If money issues are rearing their ugly heads, consider making a compromise. You may not have the same financial style, but there’s likely a way to mesh them.


Don’t make any financial decisions spur of the moment. Instinct won’t do the trick; every single purchase should be researched down to the penny. Better yet, don’t make any purchases at all today.



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