Aquarius Daily Forecast

If ever you were in the mood to say exactly what’s on your mind, it’s now. That means you’d better start warning your dear ones not to be too surprised by what you say and do, even if it’s entirely out of character. Of course, knowing your gift for gab, the kind that soothes and comforts, they really shouldn’t be all that shocked, but it still wouldn’t hurt to prepare everyone. One never knows what will tumble out of your mouth.
Do something nice for friends as thanks for all they do for you. They’re sure to appreciate the thought more than you know. You could cook something yummy or make handmade cards, whatever you think they’d like best!
Is it hot in here or is it you? Your personal warmth is turned up high, and your partner’s feeling lucky indeed. Plan plenty of time for the two of you one-on-one.
The bloom might be off of your romance with money but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to take care of the basics anymore. Earning a living is more down-to-earth now than it used to be for you, but you can still find ways to make it a bit more exciting.