Pisces Daily Forecast

Someone close who’s been bugging you lately is still pushing your buttons in a big way. They could be pushing them so hard that you’re starting to feel a sort of respect for their effort, even if it’s just because they’ve perfected the art and have spent so much time practicing. If you’re feeling exhausted, don’t give up yet. You’re allowed to feel mad at this point. Just give yourself some time off and do whatever you want.
Keep your inner drama queen at bay right now. The histrionics will scare a certain someone off. Your mantra? Fake it till you make it. It’s okay to keep cool while your head feels like it’ll explode.
How can you and your sweetie concentrate on what you want to happen if you’re always dragging the past around? You have today, and if you focus on doing a good job with that, you’ll get the future you deserve.
You’re too sophisticated to be taken in by smoke and mirrors but a good counterfeit could pull the wool over your eyes today. There’s no way for you to pick it out yourself. Call in an expert for the appraisal.