Aries Daily Forecast
If you are going to be working with contracts or other types of legal documents today, make sure you have the time you need to concentrate on them. You’ll need to read all of the small print very carefully, because there could be a very big, very unpleasant surprise waiting there for you. It’s not a huge problem, but it is something that could create a bigger time drain than you can handle right now. Just make sure you know what you’re getting yourself into before you get into it.
It’s high time you place yourself first on the priority list. Put all other activities on hold and treat yourself like the rock star you are. Today it’s all about you and no one else.
You’re always fretting about what might be broken, but right now in this partnership, nothing needs fixing. Maybe it’s time to put your energies toward something else. Why not take up a sport or read more?
Changes in financial status can cause huge emotional upheaval. Just because your bottom line is in the red doesn’t mean you should be treated like a doormat. And if it’s in the black, keep this lesson in mind anyway