Aries Daily Forecast

A new relationship is going along swimmingly, and you want to keep it going that way. To do so, slow down. You need to be going slowly enough with your communication to be able to hear the small details of what the other person is talking about. They’re leaving you clues here and there that will come in handy when you really want to impress them later. If you can remember what they said or a preference they mentioned, you’ll show them how much they mean to you in a wonderful way.
Everyone can use advice every now and then, and one of your friends is sure to offer some helpful romantic tidbits for you right now. Look to those whose relationships you already admire.
Put a muzzle on your negative side when it comes to your partner now. Just because you’re thinking it doesn’t mean you have to say it, and offering a compliment instead of criticism can really change the tone.
You need to make some serious decisions, but even a monetary Einstein couldn’t come up with the right equation for making a profit now. To imagine you can predict the next moneymaker is sheer folly.