Aries Daily Forecast

Your heart and body are in the 21st century, but some of your emotions are stuck way back in the past. Get out your feather duster and rid your mind of those pesky cobwebs as soon as you can! These memories or preoccupations are keeping you from feeling as relaxed and confident as you could. Why are you holding on to ideas, philosophies, or viewpoints that just aren’t relevant any more? Let them go. Expose yourself to cutting-edge thinking.
Temptation is out there, but that doesn’t mean you have to bite. Having a sizzling affair sounds enticing, but if the other person is married, you could end up with more guilt than passion. Think carefully before acting on urges.
Plan on sharing a cozy dinner with your partner tonight. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy. As long as the two of you can relax together, even the simplest meal will be enjoyable.
Don’t let the stars in your eyes cloud your ability to read. Buying something is like signing a legal contract. Be sure of what you are agreeing to, or don’t let your money get involved.