Daily Forecast Aries 06-14


Aries Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

If you need to have a difficult conversation with someone, today is the day to get some alone time with them and broach that touchy subject. But before you call them up and jump right into it, consider creating a softer, gentler environment, one that is much less confrontational. Why not invite them over for a quiet dinner or luncheon? Good food and a relaxing atmosphere will create a perfect environment for open communication. They won’t feel put on the spot. They’ll feel cared for.

Singles Lovescope

Get going, because you’ve got a great way with all kinds of communication today. Later tonight, you’re more lost in your own little world. Try not to miss anything!

Couple Lovescope

Even if your partner flies off the handle and starts yelling at you for no good reason, you’ll be as placid as a rock. Things will blow over quickly if they even get started at all.


Slow down and take a breath. You may think you’re in a game of Pac Man but you’re not. You’re gobbling up more than your share and people are starting to notice. Make sure you protect your reputation as fiercely as you protect the rest of your assets.



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