Aries Daily Forecast

Peer pressure and pushy salespeople can be hard to resist, but you want to give all forms of intimidation a wide berth today. Look at these urgings for what they are — others’ attempts to influence your will and your actions. Even if no harm were to come from your acquiescence, you would still have a lingering feeling of having been manipulated. Stand your ground and don’t allow anyone to take advantage of you.
Keep an open mind when someone unexpectedly asks you out on a date. While they might not be your usual type, it’s worth exploring. Accept the offer and see what the night holds.
Just because you’re confident in your ability to please your partner doesn’t mean you should get lazy. They will note the amount of effort you put into the relationship today.
Spending all of your waking hours dealing with things other than business is your biggest challenge. Believe it or not, you wish there was a way to fit making a profit into your day. Try to table those kinds of desires and focus on all the love and even romance that is on your plate instead.