Pisces Daily Forecast

You likely aren’t feeling emotionally and physically up to it, but you’ll probably need to confront a personal situation today. Dodging the issue now will only stretch it out and make its effect linger, and you’d much rather put it behind you as quickly as possible. Be careful what you say and how you say it. Someone is primed for battle, so don’t give them ammunition with any careless or cutting remarks.
You wake up smarting from some past emotional pain, and you decide to close off to everyone, especially that person you’ve been seeing. Don’t stay in your fortress of solitude for too long. Deal with the ache and move on.
You hope your partner is well rested because you’re feeling flirtatious today! Set the mood with a saucy message on their voicemail. Let them know you’ve got big plans for them tonight.
Be extra careful in business. With everyone feeling the pinch, the temptation is there to cut corners — yours. Don’t let yourself be shorted.