Aries Daily Forecast

Some of your new acquaintances are going to be in your life for quite a long while, so make sure you start things off on the right foot. Even if you have plans for a major change soon, don’t expect much of a change in the cast of characters you’re surrounded by. Getting to know someone is an art form you have mastered. Today, spend some time on strengthening a tenuous new connection. It’s as easy as asking questions and listening to the answers.
Communication’s key now, whether you’re getting on the same wavelength as a romantic prospect or touching base with some favorite friends. You’re great at connecting this way, so sort it out.
Don’t get too rough during a discussion with your partner or you’re going to get a red flag from the referee (otherwise known as your conscience). Yes, it’s hard to pay attention in the heat of the moment, but try.
You’ve got a bad feeling and you’re not sure why. You are right to go with your gut, despite outward appearances. It doesn’t have to be clear to others why you do what you do. All that matters is that you are clear about making a decision you are comfortable with.