Pisces Daily Forecast

You’re starting to feel much more confident about your position in life right now, so it’s a great time to build on this confidence to create a stronger air of authority around yourself. The good news is that this won’t be very difficult, since all the people around you are eager to see you get the respect and responsibilities you so richly deserve. Ask for the cooperation you need and you’ll get it, even when it comes to matters of the heart.
You know you can take care of yourself, but today you could benefit greatly from sharing your feelings – good, bad, and in between – with someone close.
Being thrifty can still be fun, especially when you team up with your partner. Think of ways you can save money together, and then use some of the extra to treat yourselves to something special.
There is no doubt that your friends love you and would be happy to give you a compassionate response to your sob story, but some things you are better off keeping to yourself. Financial problems are one of them. As much as you want to blab, don’t.