Aries Daily Forecast

If a contract or other type of legal document comes across your desk today, don’t sign on the dotted line until you’ve explored every possible downfall. Signing it too hastily could mean that you’re committing yourself to something that you’ll want to back out of later. There isn’t necessarily anything wrong with this particular deal, but it might not be the deal you need now. So be patient. And be ready to turn it down if it’s not everything you want.
Dating takes both initiative and patience. Not every candidate rocks your world, but that’s okay. You need the duds to appreciate the dreamboats. Keep your eye on the bigger picture.
Feeling romantic? Invite your partner out for an amorous evening for two. Dine by candlelight. Offer a relaxing massage. Tell each other what made you fall in love in the first place.
You love doing things without too much planning, but that’s no way to get ahead. If you wait for whatever the wind blows your way, the best investments will be gone, and so will the best purchases. A bit of preparation could go a long way.