Cancer Daily Forecast
It’s time for you to flex your muscles and insert yourself into a long-standing conflict between co-workers or friends. Two people you like have been going through a power struggle that will do nothing but drain their energy and waste a lot of time. Tell them to stop the insanity today, and do it with your characteristic good humor. They need a reality check from someone who doesn’t have a vested interest in how their fight ends. Make it your good deed for the day.
When your mind is occupied with the grand scheme of things, it’s easy to overlook the details. Spend some time today thinking about the little things that help you make a big impression.
Friends and family can always rely on you. There isn’t a loved one you haven’t helped in some way. But don’t spread yourself too thin with these acts of goodwill.
You’re proud of your income, and why shouldn’t you be? Even if all you’re doing is putting a roof over your head, you have good reason to feel pleased. Just remember to keep your ego under control.