Cancer Daily Forecast
You could be dancing and prancing today, but some of the people around you are more in wallflower mode. Instead of grabbing them and pulling them onto the dance floor, respect the fact that they might need some downtime. Definitely reach out and let them know you’re there for them (good communication is key), but be patient if your invitations don’t pull them out of their funk. Let them go at their own pace, and they’ll be back in the groove when they’re ready.
Lend a helping hand, and you might be the one who benefits most. Listen to a friend in need, bail a coworker out of a time crunch, or do a favor for your neighbor. It will do your spirit good.
Squash the urge to discourage creative ideas from your sweetie. If you continue to naysay dreams and possible projects, they’ll stop sharing altogether. Find a way to be logical and inspiring.
Alliances are more important than ever. Being tolerant of others should be coming easier to you, but it’s just as hard as it’s always been. What’s different is the level of acceptance you show. You may have a hard time putting up with them, but you’re finally learning to make lemonade.