Daily Forecast Leo 04-12


Leo Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

A relationship that began rooted in business is starting to show signs of being much more congenial than ever before. Could this be a new friendship or even a new romance? Slow down there! Take these new developments very, very slowly. A lot is riding on continued harmony, so you need to be very careful about where you take things. Think about when in the near future it would make sense to take the next step.

Singles Lovescope

You’re becoming attached to a certain someone and it’s starting to border on obsessive. Step back from this person. Your neediness might scare them off. Take a brief hiatus and then revisit this relationship.

Couple Lovescope

Sometimes it seems as if a little magic takes over you and your lover, and this is definitely one of those moments. All you have to do is look into each other’s eyes and you feel a connection beyond words.


You need some extra time and the universe is only too glad to help you out for a change. You finally get the precious time you’ve been waiting for to make some progress on a personal project of yours. Put all thoughts of professional advancement or money aside and focus on your pet project instead.



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