Cancer Daily Forecast

By following the rules and keeping yourself honest, you have become an inspiration to someone you see often. They may or may not even be known to you, but they are influenced by your presence. In fact, you have more of an impact on the world around you than you give yourself credit for, and you should see this gift as a responsibility. When temptation strikes today, be strong and walk past it without giving it another thought. You’re too good for it.
Sure, your friends know you’re shopping around in the love department, but what about that acquaintance? They’ve got access to a whole new side of the social network. Let them work for you!
It’s onward and upward, especially when it comes to this relationship. Those high levels of energy are urging you to obey your better instincts. More sex? Less talk? Sounds like a plan you can live with!
This isn’t a good time for hanging out with friends, no matter how much someone tries to entice you. You have financial obligations that simply can’t wait. Whatever you put off today will make you feel that much more overwhelmed tomorrow. Stick to your guns.