Cancer Daily Forecast

The mistakes you’ve made in the past are all in the past. To spend time regretting them today is a monumental waste of your time, especially if you’re trying to set goals for your future. Because when you’re thinking about what to do next in your life, you have to put what you’ve already done in your life out of your mind. Be careful starting new projects when you’re in a reflective frame of mind because you won’t be able to be objective. You could shy away from things you shouldn’t fear.
You could make a joke today that somebody could take really, really seriously. Not because they don’t understand the joke. Not even because they don’t think it’s funny. No, your humor makes them look at you in a new way.
You’re going to have to practice a little compromise. No, you don’t have to give in completely. You have to give a little and they have to give a little. And you both save a lot of frustration.
Being a bit of a cowboy is in your nature, but suddenly having a fixed income looks pretty attractive. When it comes to a regular paycheck, your bottom line is how much you help others, namely your boss. Are you ready for that kind of change in lifestyle?