Cancer Daily Forecast
Your laudable generosity is way out of balance with the minimal contents of your wallet, so it might be time to start saying no to all those folks who keep coming to you for loans. Buying someone something every once in a while is fine, but you should stop handing out money to people in need, at least for the time being. Think about what you can do for someone rather than what you can give them. It’s a much more meaningful type of giving. Your efforts will go further than a few dollars ever could.
Change of any kind might seem weirdly spooky to you right now, and when it comes to your love life, you probably want to just take it easy for a little while. Do whatever makes you comfortable!
Convince your partner that you can get back to the plan and worry about the details later. You’ve got bigger, better, and more romantic ideas now. Once they’re on board, they’ll totally love it – and you.
A problem can’t be solved with just one pass of the red pen. You have to go over and over the details until you get to the root of the thing. It’s a fundamental flaw in your strategy and it’s costing you a pretty penny.