Cancer Daily Forecast

Money is on your mind today. A glimpse at your bank statement might make you wonder whether some person is playing a cruel joke on you. The numbers don’t lie, and what they’re telling you isn’t terribly wonderful news. Don’t worry. Your lifestyle doesn’t have to significantly change, though your attitude sure does. Continue to reprioritize your needs, and try to make little changes (such as eating out less often) that will make a big difference.
Thinking too much can lead to an unnecessary freak-out today. Romance is complex enough without adding even more neurosis into the mix. Don’t turn love into an unsolvable mathematical equation. There’s no one answer, so just go with the flow.
Family feuds are not very fun. That’s why it’s best if you and your partner do your best to stay out of them. You don’t want to be a Hatfield or a McCoy.
You would be wise to lay low for the day. Old superstitions notwithstanding, you have good reason to avoid anyone or anything to do with money. Someone else wants to settle an old score with you for a change. Consider it payback, both figuratively and literally.