Leo Daily Forecast

This is a great day for starting projects that involve improvements around your house. Even if you don’t have the greatest handyman skills, you do have tons of elbow grease. So stick with what you know you can do, and do it. Paint a room. Fix a leaky faucet. Clean out a closet. Then make arrangements for a professional to come in and take care of the rest. You run the risk of making a bad situation worse if you attempt something beyond your level of expertise.
Not much will rev your engine today, and the last thing you want to do is think about romance. Save your energy and listen to what others have to say on the subject. Apply their lessons to your life.
It’s time to heal an old domestic rift between you and your partner. Any old issues that are left unattended will become a much bigger deal than they have to be. Find ways to mend them on a spiritual level.
Show some gratitude for all the things you have that you aren’t dependent on anyone else to keep. None of them are physical. Friendship, etiquette, hospitality — these bring you more comfort than cash any day.