Daily Forecast Cancer 07-12


Cancer Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

Your normally placid exterior might be a bit more turbulent thanks to various stings, even those not directed at you! Your energy makes you able to feel things below the surface that you would otherwise miss, but the flip side of that ability is that you see slights that might not actually be intended as such. Take as little as possible personally today, and remember that you can’t know everything that’s going on with someone else.

Singles Lovescope

Watch what you say and how you say it today. Bad attempts at wit and humor will backfire. Better to stick with straight, simple messages, especially when responding to potential dates. Save the shtick for another day or you could come off looking silly.

Couple Lovescope

Your partner is unexpectedly kind to you for no obvious reason. The greatest way to be fully appreciative of their generosity is to accept it graciously without worrying about how to pay it back.


You’re worried for all the wrong reasons. Analyze your feelings. Is this really about your health or the health of your bank account? You’ll have your answer once you take out your calculator.



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