Cancer Daily Forecast

Even if you don’t quite know how to express your feelings to someone today, any kind of communication is going to be good. Get a conversation started. That’s all that really matters. Don’t worry that you’re not being clever enough, articulate enough, or serious enough. The tone of your discussions will be organic. It will evolve in whatever way it needs to evolve. If you think too far ahead, you will keep yourself from speaking. And that’s counterproductive.
Falling in love with your best friend, or even a good friend, is dangerous. And you’re treading on shaky ground. If you’re not receiving the vibes in return, this could turn out to be a frustrating situation. Keep your distance for now.
You’re raring to go, and the plan you’ve got for the two of you is clearly the best one, but slow down a minute and let your partner catch up. A few minutes alone together gets you both ready for the next big thing.
On some days it’s easier to connect with people than on others. It’s one of those days, so go as far as you can with it. Even total strangers seem like long lost friends. One of them will point you in the right direction home.