Leo Daily Forecast

Your naturally warm personality could be construed as “hot to trot” by a certain eager beaver today, so be careful about where you direct that flirting! This isn’t the time to give anyone the wrong idea or false hope. Right now, your love life is on a certain course whether you realize it or not, and you don’t want to disrupt that trajectory just yet. Keep your friends as friends, and don’t encourage anyone to take things to the next level with you. Stay friendly, but only to a certain extent.
It’s one of the best days of the month to be you (not to mention to be around you). Kick up your heels, laugh, and generally make the most of your fabulous self and the interesting types who are drawn to you.
There’s a time to be receptive and a time to be active. Taking appropriate action right now will get you further than you dreamed. It may seem a little scary at first, but take a deep breath and go for it.
You’re usually more interested in what’s going on around you, but today your own inner workings are fascinating you. You won’t find a pot of gold there, but being introverted is a good thing every now and again, as long as you don’t make a habit of it.