Cancer Daily Forecast

The recent compromises you have had to make weren’t exactly fun, but they have definitely created greater harmony in your life — which you will come to see in a whole new way today. Your bond with friends and family members has been strengthened, and you have inspired people to start being more flexible themselves. Even someone who has a hard time acting selfless or regarding other people’s needs is starting to show a more generous side. You bring out the best in people.
You’re in love with your work, and that passion makes you ever so attractive to the right party. Just make sure that you’re not so slammed on the job that you can’t make time for a little flirtation.
You have an idea of who your partner is. Meanwhile, they have an idea of who you are. Sometimes those ideas meet and agree. Sometimes they meet, disagree, and reconcile. It’s all a work in progress.
Don’t despair if you lose a good deal today. It goes without saying you’ll encounter others. That old saw about opportunity only knocking once doesn’t apply to your financial situation. There will be plenty of other chances.