Leo Daily Forecast

Are you forgetting something? Your mind resembles a big block of Swiss cheese today. It’s full of holes! But you can lean on the sharp minds of friends and count on them to keep you on time and at the right location. Early today, firm up any upcoming social plans. There’s a slim chance that someone’s forgotten or that you told everyone the wrong time. Some small detail might trip you up, so tie up all the loose ends and get ready for a fabulous time.
You end up becoming so absorbed in having a life that you forget all about love. Of course, this is just what the stars are waiting for. They’re dying to surprise you with a whammy of something deliciously romantic.
You don’t know why, but you just know this next step feels right. Your partner, however, remains skeptical. You can be very persuasive when you want to be!
Block out anything that could get in the way of meeting your deadline, even if you have to be blunt about it. Coming across as insensitive should be the least of your worries.