Cancer Daily Forecast

Have you been feeling held back or restricted lately? If so, get ready to get moving! Your progress may have been slowed down by a certain person, but that person is no longer an issue anymore. Either they’re leaving the scene or losing their influence. Either way, today you just need to look ahead, pick your goal, and go for it! No one with any sense will get in your way right now. The runway is open and you’re cleared for takeoff!
Carve out a little time today to rethink your short-term romantic goals. Write it all down: your emotional, spiritual, financial, and physical goals for the future. Once it’s all written down, you should have no trouble moving forward.
Leave pride aside! Your current ego trip may have upset your partner more than you anticipated. Apologize before more damage is done. Love comes before honor this time.
If you never considered yourself the type to preach to the choir, think again. You’re doing it without even realizing it. Just because you’ve had a bit of financial success doesn’t mean you have anything to teach others who have, too.