Cancer Daily Forecast

You need to get your new plan or project launched as soon as you can, so if you need help, ask for it now. Time is of the essence. Swallow your pride and talk to that person you know could get you right across the finish line. Find out if they have the time to come to your rescue. Use your charm to get them on your side if you have to. Flattery might be your best bet, especially since this person considers you an excellent judge of character.
Your network is extra broad right now, and while it might not have any direct effects, the impact on your love life is sure to be positive. Go for new places, new groups, and especially new faces.
Balance is the key to so many things: handstands, high-wire circus acts, emotional well-being. Oh, right, and relationships need balance too. Make sure yours isn’t tipping in either direction.
Fun and laughter are likely to distract you. Yes, they are part of the big picture of a quality life, but you have important financial business to take care of. Don’t let yourself be sidetracked by things without the same pressing deadlines. Being truly loved by friends means they’ll wait for you.