Capricorn Daily Forecast
You could be stuck in the middle of a juicy conversation today, but not everyone is aware that you can hear what they’re saying. This unintentional eavesdropping could make you privy to some very exciting information, but you’ll need to keep all the details to yourself for now. You’ll know when the time is right to come forward with what you know. But until then, resist the urge to start a rumor or spread any gossip. This is not the time for it.
This morning finds you feeling a bit sluggish, but by the time evening comes around you’ll be ready to hit the town. Head out to your favorite night spot and get ready to flirt the night away!
Don’t misunderstand your partner’s lack of communication as a sign of the worst. While you might have free time to send texts, your partner could be swamped at work. Silence may mean nothing.
If money always led to arrogance, then you would want none of it. How you handle it is ultimately up to you. Remember that being tolerant of others is worth more than gold.