Daily Forecast Capricorn 02-10


Capricorn Daily Forecast

Singles Lovescope
Daily Horoscope

If things in your social life aren’t going the way you want them to right now, the last thing you should do is throw yourself a pity party! No one really wants to be invited to one of those. Instead, try to focus on taking control of your life again. Don’t let your emotions ruin the things you want to do. Just because you don’t have every little thing lined up doesn’t mean that you can’t go further toward your goal. It’s time to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start having fun.

Singles Lovescope

The stars say the love karma’s starting to flow your way, with all that fabulous energy coming back to you (yes, that energy you thought was going nowhere). Drink it up.

Couple Lovescope

Share your dreams of change with your partner. Ask for help in finding a more interesting path to travel into the future.


Don’t drag out the morning cup of coffee. You’ve had all weekend to generate ideas. Now it’s time for action, and intellectualizing doesn’t count. If you need motivation, look at your checkbook balance.


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