Capricorn Daily Forecast
You might be feeling stifled by your surroundings right now — if there is any clutter on your desk, it will start creating clutter in your mind. But that’s a problem that is really easy to solve. Simply take some time to clean up your work area or wherever you are spending the most time today. Could your car use a thorough vacuuming? Is your kitchen messier than you’d like it to be? Does your desk look like a disaster area? Getting things organized will make a dramatic difference.
It’s time to think about eating organic, exercising, and getting more sleep. Your lifestyle changes may invigorate you, but not everyone will care about the wonders of tofu and yoga. Try not to bore others with your new health regimen.
A quiet mood could concern your partner, but quiet doesn’t have to mean sad. Share what you’re thinking, but do so with peaceful intent.
When it comes to achieving your financial goals, you don’t let the day of the week get in your way. So when the rest of the group wants to take a break, let them. That simply means there’s more much-appreciated work for you to jump at.