Capricorn Daily Forecast

Opening up and letting someone into your heart is easier said than done. If you’re in the midst of a budding relationship, cut yourself some slack. Don’t be so hard on yourself, worrying about what you’re doing right and what you may be doing wrong. Just be you! That’s the only thing that matters. Sure, you can be totally flirtatious, but if you’re not feeling like batting your eyelashes, then don’t. Be genuine and act the way you feel. It’s very unwise to play a role.
Take steps to help change into the best possible you. Let your hair stylist try something different or let your friends give you a makeover with whatever they think looks best. Then all you need to do is get out and show it all off!
Get your exercise out of the way early today. You’ll want to spend as much time as possible with your partner tonight. Even better, invite them to come along on your morning jog. Challenge each other to reach new goals.
You’re resistant to change, but there are some things that just can’t be stopped. Don’t take it personally. It has more to do with the rest of the world than it does with you. You can handle whatever cards are dealt you, plus the ones already in your hand, at least once you have your confidence back.