Capricorn Daily Forecast

Relationships bring surprises today, whether they’re platonic (really), professional or romantic. Someone new, offbeat, and probably rebellious (your favorite) is coming your way. As usual, running into them under extremely weird circumstances is on the agenda, and of course this makes your encounter even more appealing to both of you. Quite a bit had to happen to ensure your meeting!
Work is getting you down, and you’re feeling pretty low. Cheer yourself up by meeting your friends at your favorite happy hour place. Catching up with pals as you flirt with the bartender is just what you need.
You and your significant other have a genuine desire to improve the world around you. Social creatures that you are, you love collaborating with different kinds of people to find the best ways to make that happen.
Meeting people in cyberspace is proving to be just as profitable as the real thing, but you still have to press the flesh every once in a while. It’s your day to treat, and to something real. Enjoy reconnecting and the ideas the discussion generates.