Sagittarius Daily Forecast

You’ve never been famous for your out and out love of surprises and sudden change. Still, if anyone knows about all work and no play, it’s you. So when something unusual and unexpected happens, even if you’re not tickled about the event itself, you do invariably end up being quite tickled (okay, and maybe just a touch smug) to be the one person involved who wasn’t completely thrown off by whatever just happened.
You get a new source of energy from the empathetic stars. Not only do you understand where you’re coming from in relationships, you also know how to work with it. Your eyes are open and your long-term goals are in place.
If you and your partner aren’t seeing eye to eye on anything, ask your friends for advice on what to do. They’ll be glad to help by offering tried-and-true suggestions.
Just what makes your heart beat faster? Is it money? Say it ain’t so. It’s beyond time for you to find a more worthwhile subject to romance. In fact, it’s vital. Pretend your life depends on it.