Capricorn Daily Forecast
Other people in your life have been keeping you busy, and it’s been fun! But have you been falling behind on chores or other household issues? It’s time to get back in touch with what you need to take care of in your life. Bills, cluttered closets – these might not be very glamorous things, but they aren’t going to take care of themselves. The good news is that they will only take a couple hours, then you’ll be free to relax.
You feel your heart racing and your temper rising, but before you blow up, count to ten. Don’t let that rumor spoil what’s otherwise a great day. Think of it this way: at least they’re talking about you.
You’ve got lots of demands coming at you from work, so if your partner’s asking you for something, it could feel like an additional (if totally unrelated) burden. Explain yourself rather than just saying no.
When you put up your periscope, you might report back some shocking news. In fact, it’s downright foreign to everyone involved. That’s why it pays to do some exploring before plunking down a chunk of change. Shake off the weird feelings and pat yourself on the back for doing just that.