Capricorn Daily Forecast

Are you worried that you are due for some bad news? Try to keep busy. Distracting yourself from impending news is the best way to soften whatever blows you think are coming your way. But before you decide to bury yourself in work to avoid negative thoughts, check in with yourself about this issue. What makes you so sure the news will be bad? Offer yourself the chance to believe that the best of all possible outcomes will occur. It’s a very rewarding exercise.
If you feel low on energy before that date, now is the best time to figure out how to take care of business so you don’t feel wiped out. Stock up on healthy snacks for low blood sugar moments and be sure to get lots of sleep!
If it’s important for you to get your way today, you’ll need to be assertive. You don’t need to get angry with your partner; just choose your words to let them know you aren’t fooling around.
Everyone is hoping for an audience with you today. You have to dole out your time carefully, though, because each moment is valuable in more ways than one. When they say time is money, it’s no joke. Every minute counts.