Capricorn Daily Forecast

Stay away from other people’s money right now, even if they are offering to lend you a small amount to help you out. You can trust these generous people, but you don’t have to resort to taking gifts like these from them. If you need more money, a much better idea would be to nip and tuck your spending here and there. Do you really need fancy coffee, or can you get by with a simple cup of joe? Tiny changes can add up to big savings over time.
In the game of love, it’s important to learn to forgive even if you can’t quite bring yourself to forget. (Forgiving yourself is, of course, part of the deal.) You might just see some payoffs in your current situation.
Hold your tongue if your partner makes a mistake today. You will get further with your mate if you practice patience and let the dust settle for a few days.
You’re feeling overwhelmed by life. Luckily for you, you have the entire day to hide under the covers if you should choose to spend it that way. There aren’t many days like this in store, so enjoy its medicinal value while you can.