Sagittarius Daily Forecast

Your words could have more power than usual today, so take time to think before you speak. It’s one thing to get caught up in an enthusiastic conversation and say something silly, but it’s quite another to say something you’ll later regret. As you might recall from past slips of the tongue, the taste of shoe leather is not an easy one to get out of your mouth. Play it safe. And if you can’t say something nice, say nothing at all.
If you find yourself in a romantic competition, it certainly wasn’t your intent. If you think you’re enjoying it, make sure to go the distance. You might just win. But if not, bow out soon.
If you wanted to, you could wear your partner down with sheer persistence. However, you want an alliance, not surrender. Present your strongest points, then back off. Let your evidence do the work for you.
You never had to be careful in business before, but nowadays you’re tempted by things you shouldn’t do. Most risks simply will not pay off. Make that your new mantra.